for District 27

Push VirginiaForward
Standards need to remain high for capable students in order for State and country to remain competitive. Support for Schools who need to keep up with cutting edge in order to provide the curriculum and opportunities to our children who will be the future leaders. The teachers who are the influencers to all our students, no matter what field or endeavors our youth, require the salary, support, and protection a priceless civic duty should have.
A wholistic view of history, and current events and social issues in our public schools truly educates instead of dictates. The Native people indigenous to these lands, the African brought here by force, and colonists who traveled here to establish a new start are all now considered Americans. We should have no fear in exploring history from each American’s view point in our classrooms.
Teachers are priceless personnel in every country on this small green planet. Every student can remember their favorite teacher and what they did to make their time in school unforgettable. Without teachers our system quickly falls apart. Maintaining standards that are in line with our future requirements is a must. In order to educate the students that will become the leaders, innovators, and representatives of tomorrow we need qualified and well paid teachers to do so.
We cannot continue to demand more for less from a profession we cannot do without. It’s selfish and hypocritical. I support paying teachers to match the national average and fund the support our children need for success.
Cutting Costs!
I will fight and advocate for plans and pathways that aid in maintaining, or prevent the needless rise in prescription costs that force individuals to choose between their health, and things they worked so hard to obtain for themselves and family, like their home.
Keeping OUR money fueling OUR community!
I will back growth that supports the environment, people, and businesses of Virginia. I support growth in Virginia where the revenue stays in or returns to Virginia, provides well paying jobs, adds value to our communities , and helps the growth of companies and corporations that dedicated by action to investing and giving back to Virginia.
We should not blindly follow leaders for their influence if we know they lack integrity, and respect for others.
The constitution is the foundation of our government. It highlights the rights of the individual, the states and federal government.